36 Years.

Yesterday I turned 36. I have a tendency to treat birthdays how most people look at new year's resolutions.  Full of anticipation, new goals, looking back and looking ahead.  I enjoy taking an inventory of life to date.  And not in a material sort of way.  In a way of who I have met, paths I have crossed, what I have learned, where I have gone and where I want to go.  What's important.

Life get's busy and unless we make the effort to take the time to do this, we can lose sight of how we want to live our life.  With intention.

I had some great birthday singing phone calls, a very pretty ice cream cake, coffee courtesy of my boys and an all around fantastic day.  I also received a message from a dear friend who brought a little tear to my eye as she talked about my photography and the reasons she 'stalks' my blog (which of course I like to tease her about ;)).  But as I read the words of how my 'strong and steady soul' is shown in all of my images I couldn't help it.   Sometimes it takes a dear friend to point out the obvious.  And everything just makes sense.

And one of the best birthday gifts was that two of my favorite people let me take their picture.

Leigha ox